- Danubia
Mihály Lantos
Partner, Hungarian and European patent and trademark attorney
Born in 1944. Education: BME (M.Sc. in electronic engineering, 1967; Economist, B. Sc., 1972); Joined the firm in 1972. Registered Patent Attorney, 1974. Author of numerous IP-articles in Hungarian and foreign periodicals.
He was the managing partner of Danubia from 1990 till 2011.
Areas of practice.
He has a broad area of practice including preparing and filing patent applications in the field of electronic and engineering, and in enforcing IP rights both in Hungary and abroad, in trademark matters in representing clients in complex lawsuits and validity proceedings both before the Office and before the courts and in providing opinions and elaborating IP strategy based on individual needs.
SZÜK, MIE (Member of Presidial Board and Executive Committee), AIPPI, MVE (Vice President), LES Hungary (acting as President for the Hungarian Chapter), INTA (Committee Member), LIDC Hungary, UNION, FICPI
Language skills:
English, German
Tel: (+36 1) 411-8716