
Berti y Asoc. Patentes y Marcas

Country: Argentina
City: BS AS
Tel: 54 11 2068 1413
Fax: 54 11 2068 1413
Email: berti@bertiyasoc.com.ar
Address: Yerbal 878 8° Of. 36
Website: www.bertiyasoc.com.ar
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark
Key Areas: IP FIRM
Contact Person: BERTI MAXIMO
Personal Email: berti@bertiyasoc.com.ar
Language: English,Spanish

Firm Profile

We are an IP Agents firm specialized in Intellectual Property services of Argentina. Established in the year 2001, Berti y Asoc. Patentes y Marcas forms  part of the third generation of  IP Agents in Berti's family; Having our surname more than 90 years of approved and uninterrupted activity in the profession.  We possess wide worldwide experience in IP matters; our office being characterized by our  attention to IP Agents (verifiable references).  We represents individuals and companies of different categories from whole of the world, including cases in the fields and Industries of  Media, Sports & Entertainment, Clothing & Apparel, Cosmetics, Food & Beverage, Information Technology, Electronics; software & hardware, Energy & Sustainability, Oil, Telecommunications, Machinery, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Construction & Real Estate, Manufacturing, Retail, Banking, Financial & Securities, Transport, logistics and Travel; Professional,  Educational & Research Institutions; and more. Our IP Department's primary objective is to be able to protect our clients rights in the most cost-effective way. We have established procedures and systems to allow us promptly update and inform clients of the latest developments in their applications and accounts and enable us to monitor deadlines, so that they are unfailingly complied with.

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