
Hong Kong Patent & Trademark Agent Limited (HKPTA)

Country: Hong Kong-China
City: Hong Kong
Tel: (852)35977006
Fax: (852)35977006
Email: ssong@hkptaltd.com
Address: Unit 1104A, 11/F, Kai Tai Commercial Building, 317-319 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Website: www.hkptaltd.com/en/home.php.html
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: patent & design prosecution and trademark registration worldwide.
Contact Person: Ms. Song
Personal Email: ssong@hkptaltd.com
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

Hong Kong Patent & Trademark Agent Limited (HKPTA) is an IP boutique established by ONLY patent attorneys with recognized professional qualifications. We located in HK with global viewpoints and international experiences. Together with partner IP agencies all over the world, we provide efficient and quality professional services for Chinese, local and oversea clients, including patent and design prosecution and trademark registration etc. worldwide. Being a professional IP agency and specialized in patent and trademark related issues, we provide following patent related services: prior art search, patentability analysis, drafting, prosecution, patent reexamination and invalidation, clearance search, infringement assessment and litigation, patent customs recordal, patent portfolio and annuity management, and other patent-related legal services. As for trademark, we provide professional service in trademark search, registration, assignment and licensing, and other related legal issues. In summary, our services include the following, Patent search Patent drafting in English and/or Chinese Patent Prosecution Trademark search Trademark registration IP counseling for enterprises

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