

Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok
Tel: : 00924237213246
Fax: 00924236131610
Email: info@bestandswiftip.com
Address: bestandswiftips@gmail.com
Website: www.bestandswiftip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Trademark, Patent, Design, copyright
Contact Person: Mr. Daniel Haq
Personal Email: info@bestandswiftip.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

BEST & SWIFT IP SERVICES is a modern and progressive firm provide a complete range of intellectual property services. We can provide support and assistance in relation to any intellectual property matter - patents, trade marks, designs or industrial copyright and domain names etc. The firm has associated offices and/association with leading Law Firms all over the world handling the international filing and prosecution of Patent and Trademark applications of the firm's clientele. The firm combines the capabilities of IP professionals and service managers along with skilled support personnel to provide fully integrated, high quality services. We help our clients capture the value of their intellectual property through patent, trademark, design, copyright and trade secret protection. Within a short span of time, this law firm strived to be a firm of excellence adhering to highest professional and ethical standards. Even at this humble beginning, the confidence bestowed on this firm by the industry and the legal profession world over is amazing. This is our strength and source of inspiration. BEST & SWIFT IP SERVICES is committed to a tradition for high ethical standards and excellence in professional service. Our success in litigation lies in our ability to develop an effective, well-researched and meticulously planned strategy for our clients. The firm also undertakes Searches, Patent and Trademark registrations and prosecution of these in South and East Asia, Gulf, Middle-East, Africa and Central Asian Countries

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