
Intellectual Design Group(IDG)

Country: Thailand
Tel: (+66)2011 7161
Fax: (+66)2968 2499
Email: contact@idgthailand.com
Address: Headquarter :194, 196 Nonthaburi Road, Bangkrasor, Muang Nonthaburi, Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Others
Language: Chinese,English,Thai

Firm Profile

A leading Market insight, intellectual property and innovation consulting firm dedicated to designing, protecting, and commercializing your products and innovations. Our expert team of intellectual property lawyers, attorneys, patent agents, designers, and business advisors can help you turn your ideas into the best products and services. We have been providing the highly quality services and solutions that deliver great values to our customers (see our clients) from large multinational corporations to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), technology start-ups, universities, research institutes, and individuals.

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