

Country: France
City: Toulouse / Paris
Tel: +33 5 622 567 43
Fax: +33 9 58 07 70 47
Email: contact@bringer-ip.com
Address: 1 Place du Président Thomas Wilson, 31 000 Toulouse, FRANCE
Website: www.bringer-ip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Contact Person: Mathieu Bringer
Personal Email: contact@bringer-ip.com
Language: Chinese,English,French,Spanish

Firm Profile

BRINGER IP is a French Intellectual Property Law Firm, exclusively dedicated to the protection of the creations of innovative companies. The firm is involved in the whole cycle of the creation process : identification, protection, monetization, and defense of the intangible assets of innovative companies. The firm possesses a strong experience in drafting, filing and prosecuting patent applications. The firm is also active in trademark law, design law and contract law. The firm also assists companies involved in infringement actions, in attack or in defense. BRINGER IP is a member of the French Institute of Patent & Trademark Attorneys (CNCPI). The firm is therefore bound to a strict code of ethics regulated by the French Intellectual Property Law. The firm is liable for its clients, it observes professional secrecy and refrains from advising, assisting or representing companies that have opposed interests. The firm has a dedicated insurance covering its professional civil liability and a guarantee specially devoted to the reimbursement of funds, effects or objects of value received from its clients. BRINGER IP is a registered IP Law Firm before the French Intellectual Property Office (INPI), the European Patent Office (EPO), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

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