
OMC Abogados & Consultores

Country: Peru
Tel: (511) 6281238
Fax: (511) 6281241
Email: omago@omcabogados.com.pe - marketing@omcabogados.com.pe - comunicacionesomc@omcabogados.com.pe
Address: Av. 28 de Julio # 562 Edificio E Miraflores. Lima 18 - Perú
Practice Area: Patent,Copyright
Language: English

Firm Profile

We are a Peruvian firm devoted to providing advice and consultancy in legal matters in Peru and throughout Latin America. Over the course of our life we have developed a complete portfolio of legal assistance services, which allows us to meet the needs of our clients, being the Intellectual Property area our main specialty. OMC Abogados & Consultores has formed a qualified team of attorneys, including Peruvian and foreign professionals who offer to our clients all their expertise and experience in diverse fields of Law, in order to provide the best assistance and service. Through an active participation in various professional contact networks, chambers of commerce, trade union organizations and specialized media in business, we have managed to strengthen our international presence.

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