
Xiamen Seecen Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd

Country: China
City: Xiamen
Tel: +86-592-5853075
Fax: /
Email: cniplaw@seecenip.com
Address: Fl.4,Unit 2, No.10 Wanghai Road, Plan II of Software Park, Xiamen, Fujian,361008, China
Website: www.seecenip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Others
Key Areas: Patent Application ; Trademark Registration
Contact Person: Shihan Lin
Personal Email: cniplaw@seecenip.com
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

Xiamen Seecen Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd is a boutique Chinese intellectual property law firm established legally in 2013, and also officially approved by the China National Intellectual Property Administration with Agency Code 35227. We keep strategic partnerships with a number of foreign law firms to help Chinese clients explore overseas markets while also assisting enterprises from other countries in the distribution of intellectual property in Greater China. The responsibility, efficiency and dedication of Seecen Intellectual Property team have been recognized and praised by many clients in domestic and abroad. We will continue to provide our clients with safe, economical and professional services.

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