

Country: Israel
City: Tel Aviv
Tel: +972-3-6443533
Fax: +972-3-6443536
Email: info@ezratty.co.il
Address: B.S.R. Tower 1, P.O. Box 2423, Bnei Brak 5112301, Israel
Website: www.ezratty.co.il
Practice Area: Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Others
Key Areas: trademark prosecution,trademark pre-litigation, copyright and internet matters (domain names)
Contact Person: Irene Ezratty-Farhi (Ms.)
Personal Email: info@ezratty.co.il
Language: English,French

Firm Profile

EZRATTY-FARHI Law Firm handles trademark prosecution matters and offers a global solution for managing trademark portfolios in Israel and worldwide. The firm provides strategy advice and services at all stages of a trademark registration, from trademark clearance searches to registration, and handles all obstacles that may occur during the trademark registration procedure. We also deals with the management and recordation of all events occurring during the lifetime of a trademark, such as licensing or assignment of trademarks. The firm was founded by Irene Ezratty-Farhi, member of the Israel Bar Association, LL.M. in International Private Law from the University of Paris 1 - Pantheon-Sorbonne. Ms. Ezratty-Farhi is an expert in trademarks, having acquired her extensive experience in the largest and most prominent Israeli law firms in the field of intellectual property. Ms. Ezratty-Farhi was born in Paris, France and has been living in Israel for more than 20 years. She practiced in Paris as Deputy Counsel at the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) . In the early 1990's she emigrated to Israel, where she completed her legal traineeship in a large law firm specialized in commercial law, Weksler Bregman & Co. and then practiced in various aspects of commercial law, before specializing in intellectual property law and, in particular, trademark law. Ms. Ezratty-Farhi is fluent in Hebrew, English and French. She is a member of INTA, of the Intellectual Property Committee of the Israel Bar Association and is a consultant at the Israel Export Institute.

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