
Bolotov & Partners

Country: Kazakhstan
City: Almaty
Tel: +7 727 357 23 80
Fax: +7 727 357 23 81
Email: info@BolotovIP.com
Address: Almaty Residence BC 6th Floor 60, Auezov Street Almaty 050008 Republic of Kazakhstan
Website: www.BolotovIP.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Ainura Bultekova
Personal Email: abultekova@bolotovIP.com
Language: English,Dutch,French,Russian

Firm Profile

Bolotov & Partners LLP is a rapidly expanding IP Law Firm operating in Kazakhstan & Central Asia since 1994 with the office in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We are focused solely on IP and closely related matters and are the experts in IP. We can achieve results quickly, confidently and in a cost-effective manner. Bolotov & Partners LLP has been working in Kazakhstan more than 20 years, representing interests of local, foreign and international industrial and service companies, banks and financial organizations, central and local governments. Our services:  obtaining title of protection for industrial property objects (trademarks, inventions, industrial design, utility model, selection achievement);  registration of copyright;  international trademark registration;  trademark and patent searches and other searches for IP objects;  obtaining foreign patents, including submission and following-up applications submitted under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), and under the Eurasian and European Patent Conventions;  representing of the right holder’s interests in the Patent Office, Appeal board, customs and other agencies;  registration in the Customs Register of intellectual property;  protection of the right holder's interests in court and other public bodies in connection with unauthorized import;  legal support in connection with the transfer of rights to intellectual property ( license agreement , assignment contract , franchising) ;  comprehensive legal audit of the company with respect to intellectual property rights;  legal advising in relation to IP protection. Our team of lawyers, trademark and patent attorneys handle IP matters for clients in over a dozen industries, including FMCG sector, telecommunications, transportation, energy, financial services and manufacturing.

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