

Country: Spain
Tel: +34 931 821 718
Fax: +34 - 963 511 220
Email: bcn@hernandez-marti.com
Address: Carrer Còrsega 286, 2 2 B, 08008 BARCELONA, Spain
Website: www.hernandez-marti.com/en/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Others
Language: English,Spanish,German

Firm Profile

HERNANDEZ MARTI has more than 40 years of professional experience. We are a team specialising in intellectual property law, advertising, unfair competition, and laws in the information society and new technologies. It was founded by our senior partner Prof. Dr. Juan Hernández Martí. Our team of skilled attorneys in HERNANDEZ MARTI is competent in providing general advice relating to intellectual property, negotiation of out-of-court settlements, and trade mark, patent, industrial design, and copyright litigations. Our services extend to all matters within and beyond the Spanish borders, as we are authorised before the Spanish courts and have an extensive network of collaborators in other countries that afford us the possibility of offering reliable advice almost anywhere in the world. HERNANDEZ MARTI is also a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), Asociación Interamericana de Propiedad Intelectual (Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property– ASIPI), MARQUES, Asociación Hispano-alemana de Juristas (Spanish-German Association of Jurists), Asociación Hispano-austriaca de Juristas (Spanish-Austrian Association of Jurists), and Association internationale des Jeunes Avocats (International Association of Young Lawyers- AIJA).

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