
Dennemeyer & Associates S.A.

Country: Luxembourg
Tel: +352 499 8411
Fax: +352 499841-999
Email: rfichter@dennemeyerip.com
Address: 55, rue des Bruyères, 1274 Howald, Luxembourg
Website: www.dennemeyer.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Domain name, Anti-Unfair Competition
Language: English,Luxembourgish,French,German

Firm Profile

Dennemeyer has a unique position in the global IP market. The combination of our global IP law firm, Dennemeyer & Associates; the IP management service provider, Dennemeyer IP Solutions; Dennemeyer Consulting; as well as our state-of-the-art IP management software, DIAMS iQ, makes us the sole “full service provider” for global IP management. Our customers benefit from our broad range of expertise – all within one provider.

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