
Mitchell Keil

Country: New Zealand
City: Suva
Tel: +679 3301066
Fax: +679 3301641
Email: nilesh.prasad@mitchellkeil.com.fj
Address: Credit House, 10 Gorrie Street, GPO Box 1056, Suva, Fiji
Website: www.mitchellkeil.com.fj
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Antitrust
Key Areas: Commercial and Corporate
Contact Person: Nilesh Prasad
Personal Email: nilesh.prasad@mitchellkeil.com.fj
Language: English,Fijian,Hindustani

Firm Profile

IP has become a key asset of all types of business. Protecting IP, whether trademarks, copyrights, patents or trade secrets, is more complex as commerce expands, and the Internet connects markets and users locally and internationally. Our firm has undertaken all aspects of legal work over the years it has, however, specialized in intellectual property and commercial work.Our firm has a tradition of excellence that has earned us a reputation as a premier IP firm in Fiji. Today, our firm is a valued resource to clients ranging from multinational companies to smaller and start-up entities in Fiji and, more particularly, overseas.We are involved in all aspects of IP law, with key areas of specialization in trademarks, copyrights and patents. Our attorneys work closely with clients to develop and protect their IP assets. We are equally well prepared to address routine matters and the most unique transactions and cutting edge cases. Whether designing strategies and developing IP portfolios or litigating the newest generation of cases, we focus on delivering practical and positive results.

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