

Country: United Arab Emirates
City: Dubai
Tel: +966-11-277-2788
Fax: +966-11-277-2788
Email: info@ajaleen.com
Address: Dubai
Website: www.ajaleen.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright
Contact Person: Abdullah Al Ajaleen
Language: Chinese,English,Arabic,French

Firm Profile

Ajaleen is founded by a group of experienced legal & IP practitioners who have in-depth experience in the Middle East and Gulf region in the field of legal and intellectual property. Ajaleen attempts to achieve long term representation of corporate clients to form a close working knowledge of its client’s business, long-term goals and competitive position. We are focused on client satisfaction, providing high quality representation in a very timely manner. Ajaleen staff are committed to high ethical and professional standards, as well as state-of-the-art technology, so as to provide a comprehensive range of IP services tailored to meet our clients’ needs. Our services comprise: Trademarks, Patents, Designs Search for Published Trademarks. Search for Published Patents. Trademark Watch Service. Ant-Counterfeiting Services Patent Drafting IP-Renewals Licensing Litigations Company Registrations Company Contracts

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