
Markone International

Country: United Arab Emirates
City: Dubai
Tel: 8000-3570-4194
Fax: + 1 800 851 9845
Email: info@markonelaw.com
Website: markonelaw.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Antitrust
Key Areas: IP Laws
Contact Person: Deepak Devadas
Personal Email: deepak@markonelaw.com
Language: English,Hindi,Arabic,French

Firm Profile

MARKONE is a legal consultancy firm with experience in protecting its clients' business mainly in the Middle East, Asian and African Countries, with regional office in United Arab Emirates and associates offices all over the world, focusing exclusively on intellectual property and corporate matters, our attorneys offer technical and legal expertise with convenient access to the extensive legal and government resources across this region.

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