
Chile Trademarks

Country: Chile
City: Santiago
Tel: +56222318935
Fax: +5622318083
Email: info@chiletrademarks.cl
Address: Av. Providencia 2019 Of. 41 A, Providencia Santiago – Chile – 7510148
Website: www.chiletrademarks.cl
Practice Area: Trademark
Key Areas: Chile Trademark Search, Chile Trademark Registration, Chile Trademark Watch, 智利商標, 智利商標註冊, 智利商標檢索, 智利商標手錶 智利IP代理
Contact Person: Vivian Smith
Personal Email: info@chiletrademarks.cl
Language: English,Spanish

Firm Profile

Chile Trademarks is a full service Chilean Trademark Law Firm, specialized in all matters concerning Trademarks in Chile. Our Law Firm has over 10 Years of Experience in Trademarks field and we have been providing services for thousands of clients – specially Chinese Agencies – from different working fields, including food and beverages companies, communications, IT companies, laboratories, manufacturers, oil & gas companies, financial institutions, business services companies, etc. Our network of offices and associates hold an extensive team of expert Trademark Attorneys and high level professionals that will be personally in charge of requested services.

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    I highly recommend Chiletrademarks. Excellent services

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