
Estudio Delion

Country: Peru
City: Lima
Tel: 511 2222795
Fax: 511 4411857
Email: wp@estudiodelion.com.pe
Address: Los Mirtos 239,Lince,Lima 14,PERU
Website: www.estudiodelion.com.pe
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Virginia Delion
Personal Email: Vcd@estudiodelion.com.pe
Language: English,Spanish

Firm Profile

Estudio Delion since 1984 is a law firm which main area of practice is Intellectual Property, we have filed more than 4,000 Trademark applications and we count with Associates in all thé World. We obtain the success of cases in no least than 90% because our compromise is the transparency of information and taking of decisions based on accurate and valid information.

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