

Country: France
City: Clermont-Ferrand
Tel: + 33 (0)9 67 52 53 29
Fax: + 33 (0)9 70 62 81 22
Email: xp@laetamark.fr
Address: + 33 (0)6 62 22 54 34
Website: www.laetamark.fr/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: France, European Union
Contact Person: Xavier PRZYBOROWSKI
Personal Email: xp@laetamark.fr
Language: English,French

Firm Profile

Member of the French Institute of Patent & Trademark Attorneys (CNCPI), LAETAMARK is a registered IP Law Firm before the French Intellectual Property Office (INPI), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the World Intellectual property Organization (WIPO). The firm is exclusively dedicated to the protection of the creations and innovations, and involved in the whole cycle of the creation process. The firm advise, assist and represent both small and medium-sized businesses, start-up creators, local authorities and the public scientific and technological institution in their protection and valuing initiatives their creations and innovations. Our expertise’s areas covers the fields of intellectual property law (trademarks, designs, patents, copyright, domain names), the law of official quality signs (PDO, PGI, labels, collective marks), digital and IT rights (e-commerce, software, IT contracts), personal data protection (compliance with the GDPR, general terms and conditions of sale / general terms and conditions of use), industrial and commercial contracts and disputes in these areas. LAETAMARK is committed to developing a close relationship with its clients, focusing on understanding their needs and protecting their interests. The firm is liable for its clients, it observes professional secrecy and refrains from advising, assisting or representing companies that have opposed interests.

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