

Country: United Arab Emirates
Tel: 00201013377119
Email: mahmoud@stern-ipr.com
Address: P.O Box 6 ElMalek ElSaleh, Cairo, Egypt
Website: www.stern-ipr.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark
Contact Person: Mr. Mahmoud Adel
Personal Email: mahmoud@stern-ipr.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

STERN IP LTD is one of the largest IP firms in Egypt, Middle East and Africa, providing IPR protection in the Middle East and Africa through our own fully staffed operating offices spanning the Middle Eastern Countries, and a network of associates and representatives that spreads to Asia, Europe, North America, and a Regional Office in Egypt to coordinate activities in multiple countries. Our job is to solve our clients' problems by finding and following the shortest routes possible to achieving their goals.

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