
Beijing GaoWo International Intellectual Property Agency

Country: China
City: Beijing
Tel: +86-10 51661047
Fax: +86-10 57202017
Email: gaowo@gaowoip.com
Address: 6 Floor, Huayi Holdings Tower, No. 11 Caihefang Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Website: www.gaowoip.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese,Korean

Firm Profile

Composed of the Beijing Gaowo Law Firm and Beijing Gaowo International Intellectual Property Agency. Gaowo is a law firm specialized in domestic and international IP services. As the professional agency that can provide one- stop service from application to litigation for domestic and foreign clients. Gaowo is mainly involved in patent trademark and copyright. At present, Gaowo has more than 1000 employees and four brand offices in Beijing, Hebei, Wuhan, and Dallas USA.With 15 years of development, Gaowo has owned quite a few trademark and patent attorneys as well as a group of senior lawyers engaged in the rights protection of intellectual property,become one of the 20 top ranking agencies in China.  Gaowo always plays an active role in international as well as regional intellectual property events and conferences.Gaowo is a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) and the China Intellectual Property Society (CIPS).To date Gaowo has established good partnerships with a number of IP law firms in 168 countries including Asia, Europe and America. This exposure ensures that Gaowo becomes ever more expert,convenient and efficient in the filing and processing of international patent and trademark applications.

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