

Country: Guatemala
Tel: +503 22639696
Fax: +503 22634554
Email: gs@goldservice.com.sv
Address: 503 25280380
Website: www.goldservice.com.sv
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Others,Antitrust
Key Areas: el salvador lawyers, el salvador attorneys, el salvador law firm, trademark in el salvador, el salvador patents, sanitary reg
Contact Person: wchavez
Personal Email: epacas@goldservice.com.sv
Language: English,Spanish

Firm Profile

GOLD SERVICE El Salvador law firm, commercial and business services in Central America. GOLD SERVICE lawyers in El Salvador specializes in providing advice in the legal and business areas in Central America, and in more than 100 countries around the world trough our correspondent offices. GOLD SERVICE, simplifies the access of new companies and works jointly with the already existing ones, lowering their costs and businesses risks.

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