
Beijing Lealyears Intellectual Property Agent Firm

Country: China
City: Beijing
Tel: 86-10-6219 0280
Fax: 86-10-6219 8911
Email: mail@lealyears.com
Address: B210 Hua Jie Plaza, 13 DaZhongSi, Haidian District, Beijing 100098, P.R.China
Website: www.lealyears.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Patent Prosecution;Patent Reexamination
Contact Person: Yefu YAN
Personal Email: yanyefu@lealyears.com
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese

Firm Profile

Lealyears Intellectual Property Agent Firm was founded in 2012, and is an IP boutique firm authorized by the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) and Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO) of State Administration for Industry and Commerce to provide legal services in the aspects of IP (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, etc) for domestic and overseas clients. Although Lealyears has a short history, most of our founders have more than 10 years experience in patent prosecution, patent invalidation, patent infringement litigation, trademark registration, patent portfilio management, IP transactions and strategic counseling in the electrical, biochemical and mechanical fields. Our attorneys have excellent education backgrounds and working experiences in top tier firms in China. Lealyears works with clients coming from a wide range of industries, especially high-tech fields of mobile internet, IT and telecommunications and biotechnology. We have rich experience on IP portfolio management especially for startup, small and medium-sized enterprises and are devoted to building strong and long-term relationships with our clients.

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