
Osha Liang

Country: USA
City: Hangzhou
Tel: 86.571.8139.6190
Fax: 86.571.8139.6192
Email: lee@oshaliang.com
Address: No. 1750 Jianghong Rd., Suite 2302, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, Zhejiang, People's Republic of China
Website: www.oshaliang.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Others
Key Areas: Patent Prosecution, Litigation, IP Counseling
Contact Person: Cliff Yang
Personal Email: lee@oshaliang.com
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese

Firm Profile

Founded in 1998, Osha Liang is an intellectual property law firm with a global presence. With offices in Texas, California, Washington, D.C., France, China and Japan, our goal is to assist our clients in protecting and enforcing their intellectual property interests worldwide. The firm prides itself in being one of the most technically and legally proficient IP firms in the world, delivering to our clients the highest level of quality and customer service. Osha Liang has expertise in worldwide patent and trademark procurement, portfolio management, licensing, acquisition, due diligence, opinions of counsel, litigation, and strategic IP counseling, among other areas. We are recognized as one of the top 50 IP firms in the nation based on the number of patents issued.

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