
iGen Trademarkers 

Country: Tanzania
City: Dar Es Salaam
Tel: +255738912597
Fax: /
Email: info@igentrademarkers.com
Address: EAGT Building, 3rd Floor, Bohari Street, Pugu Road Dar es Salaam, Tanzania TZ, 77124
Website: www.igentrademarkers.com
Practice Area: Trademark
Key Areas: Trademark Services
Contact Person: Michael, Isaya
Personal Email: info@igentrademarkers.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

iGen Trademarkers is one of the African leading Trademark protection Firm that specializes on Trademark Registration. We provide all Trademark services, including but not limited to Trademark Registration, Prosecution, Renewal, Assignment, Trademark monitoring, and all other related Trademark Services, in Africa Our main focus is to do all of the hard-legal work for business and brand owners, and to provide cost-effective Trademark solutions for our clients, and other Trademark related services. We have a team of lawyers, with years of experience in Trademark Registrations and Prosecution, who can assist you in the whole process of Trademark registration and make sure that your Trademark is properly protected in any African Country of your choice

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