
IP Consult Patent Bureau

Country: Ukraine
City: Kyiv
Tel: +38-044-353-32-55
Fax: +38-044-353-32-55
Email: office@ipconsult.com.ua
Address: Studentska str. 12/14, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04050
Website: www.ipconsult.com.ua
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Contact Person: Katerina Khoroshko-Bolotova
Language: English,Russian

Firm Profile

IP Consult Patent Bureau provides a full range of intellectual property services in Ukraine, including prosecution and protection of intellectual property rights, handling infringement cases and suppression of unfair business practices involving intellectual property assets. Our Patent Bureau prosecutes the official registration of trademarks and service marks, patents for inventions (including patents under PCT procedure - Entry into the National Phase), utility models, industrial designs and other subject matter of intellectual property rights.

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