

Country: USA
City: Irvine
Tel: 949-788-9961
Fax: 949-788-9969
Email: info@shimokaji.com
Address: mshimokaji@shimokaji.com
Website: shimokaji.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Others
Contact Person: Michael A. Shimokaji
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese

Firm Profile

Shimokaji & Associates specializes in intellectual property – patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, unfair competition, and related litigation. The clients we serve range from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, government entities, and universities. Although the firm is based in California, we readily work with clients from the West Coast to the East Coast in the United States. Our client service also extends into Asia, including China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore.

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