
Marks n Brands Intellectual Property

Country: United Arab Emirates
City: Dubai
Tel: 00971 56 936 7973
Fax: /
Email: info@marksnbrandsip.com
Address: P. O Box 234824, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Website: www.marksnbrandsip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: IP Prosecution and Enforcement, IP Legal
Language: English,Arabic

Firm Profile

Marks n Brands Intellectual Property provides sound legal advice to various clients on different aspect of Intellectual Property rights and assist them to execute their IP requirements especially, but not limited to, in the selection, protection, registration, enforcement, maintenance and usage of trademarks and registration and maintenance of patents and designs as well as assisting the clients in acquiring the relevant rights through assignments, licenses and mergers. We provide our services across GCC countries (United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait) and Middle East and North African countries for both the individual and corporate clients. Marks n Brands Intellectual Property is committed to provide high quality professional services through personal attention to the clients’ needs.

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