
Axis Intellectual Capital

Country: Singapore
City: Singapore
Tel: (+65)63236322
Fax: (+65)63236383
Email: mail@axis-ics.com
Address: 1 Pemimpin Drive, #12-07, One Pemimpin, Singapore 576151
Website: www.axis-ics.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright
Key Areas: FTOs, Searches, Drafting, Filing, Prosecution, Registration, Licensing, Commercialisation, Infringement Advisory
Contact Person: Julia Shen
Personal Email: juliashen@axis-ics.com
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese,Thai

Firm Profile

We are an IP boutique firm based in Singapore with offices in Thailand and Japan. We have been working in IP for 12 years. We have developed an excellent reputation with renowned public institutes and private enterprises internationally as well as good relationships with other IP firms overseas. We are always looking to develop more long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with IP firms in other jurisdictions and should this be a shared vision by your firm please do not hesitate to contact us.

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