
Hong Kong Trademark & Design Protection Agency Ltd.

Country: Hong Kong-China
City: Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 8101 8125
Fax: (852) 8208 2600
Email: office@hktmd.com
Address: Room 2802, 28/F, Lippo Centre Tower 2, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong
Website: www.hktmd.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Others
Key Areas: Trademark, Design, Patent
Contact Person: James Li
Personal Email: james.li@hktmd.com
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

From our founding in 2002, knowledgeableness, meticulousness, understanding of clients’ goals, solutions-orientedness, and close-partnering have been the guiding principles and values by which we measure ourselves. We work for all types of clients ranging from multi-nationals to start-ups, and from academic institutions to in-house IP departments and foreign attorney firms. With our global networks and experience, we can help you navigate the globe effectively with your intellectual property. Whether your IP needs are national, regional or international, we invite you to discover the advantages of working with us.

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