
Trademarkit LLP

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Tel: +44 (0)20 8088 3518
Fax: N/A
Email: info@trademarkit.co.uk
Address: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, United Kingdom
Website: www.trademarkregistration.org.uk
Practice Area: Trademark,Copyright,Domain name
Key Areas: trademarks, trademark registration, advice on trademark law
Contact Person: Mr. M. Sorenti
Language: English

Firm Profile

Trademarkit is a small specialist agency based in the United Kingdom. We are experts in all matters relating to UK trade ark registration, European and International trademark registration, trade mark law and brand protection. We can provide advice and assistance with all trademark matters. We also deal with trademark oppositions, trademark infringement, assignment and licensing of trademarks, renewal of trademarks, design registrations, and domain name disputes. Our charges are based on fixed fees payable in advance so that our clients know exactly how much our services will cost. We try our best to keep our fees as competitive as possible. Our trade mark registration services are competitively priced and geared towards small and medium-sized businesses. Our services include: •trademark search services and trademark availability; •advice on brand protection and how to register a trademark; •trade mark registration in the UK and Europe; •international trademark registration; •trade mark oppositions; •trade mark infringement, conflicts and counterfeiting; •unregistered trade marks and passing off; •assignment and licensing of trade marks; •renewal of trade marks. For further information please contact us.

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