
Dr. Masoud Hoseini & Associates

Country: Iran
City: Tehran
Tel: +989123856694
Email: hoseinymasoud@gmail.com
Address: info@drhoseiniiplaw.com
Website: www.drhoseiniiplaw.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Others
Key Areas: Trademark & Patent & Industrial Design & Geographical Indication Registration in Iran.
Contact Person: Elnaz Ghanoni
Personal Email: hoseinymasoud@gmail.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

Dr. Masoud Hoseini & Associates Intellectual Property Law Firm provides intellectual property & full-service in Iran. We work hard to efficiently meet the legal needs of businesses and individuals providing them with clear and valuable advisory and assistance in establishing their companies, managing their businesses and avoiding undesired risks, in addition to protecting their trademarks and rights. Our personalized attention, competitive prices, and an effective and creative approach allow the firm to provide added value to clients. Our attorneys and professionals adhere to the highest standards of service and legal practice. The philosophy of our office is: to satisfy clients by doing the highest quality work with amazing costs. Our firm provides intellectual property services in IRAN at much lower cost (up to 50% cheaper) in comparison to most IP firms in Iran. We put telecommuting with our employees at the forefront. About 20 employees and 10 lawyers now work directly for our office. Our goal is the satisfaction of our honorable colleagues and clients. Speed, accuracy and legal knowledge are more important to us than anything.

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