

Country: Colombia
Tel: 573166948364
Fax: \
Email: ip@tmtamayo.com
Address: Carrera 13-A No. 28-38 Bufete 230
Website: www.tmtamayo.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: PCT, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Biotechnology, Mechanical, Electronic, Financial, Food, Petroleum,Software, Telecommunication
Contact Person: Alexandra Tamayo - Carlos Tamayo
Personal Email: comercial@tmtamayo.com
Language: English,Spanish

Firm Profile

TM TAMAYO was established in the year of 1990 as an answer to the latent necessity of the market of protecting trademarks and patents in Latin America. Four years later, soon after the prevailing globalization process, it consolidates in the city of Bogotá (Colombia) to operate as a consultant agency for Colombian investors and managers in the protection of their main asset: The Industrial Capital. 1995 - 2004 During the 90's its expansion continues through its agents in Latin America, U.S.A. and the Caribbean, offering consultantship for the protection and registration of distinctive signs and patents. TM TAMAYO collaborates with the managerial growth of the continent when lending consultantship in the application of invention patents in the international phase in more than 151 countries through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). 2005 - PRESENT At the moment the company participates in an active way in processes of commercialization, licensing and negotiation of technology that generate retribution for royalties of patents; working jointly with State, private entities and research institutes.

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  • ****

    TM Tamayo has great capacity for the valuation of intangibles and commercialization in Latin America of property rights

  • ****

    Excelent services

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