
Rayan Law Firm

Country: Iran
City: Tehran
Tel: 00982177628545
Fax: 00982177522731
Email: info@rayanlawfirm.com
Address: Unit 7, No. 35, Karegar St., Shariati St.
Website: rayanlawfirm.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual property
Contact Person: Farnaz Khateri
Personal Email: farnaz.khateri@rayanlawfirm.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

Rayan Law Firm RAYAN IP Law Firm established in 2001 particularly provides professional, cost-effective international IP services including all IP rights related to Patents, Industrial designs, Trademarks, Domain names and litigation. Working on more than 2,000 successful cases made us expert in the field of registration of Patents, Trademarks, Industrial designs and Domain names in Iran. Our professional team offers, the clients a wide range of services from the very basic step of protecting the IP rights to the final step of registration. Moreover, we have an expert litigation team for assisting the clients in counterfeiting and infringement cases. We specifically help the clients by watch services, prosecution, registration and enforcement of Intellectual Property rights, Litigations, Anti-Counterfeit/Infringement.

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