

Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Dubai
Tel: +97143303838
Fax: +97143303883
Email: ip@emiratesadvocates.com
Address: contact@emiratesadvocates.com
Website: www.emiratesadvocates.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Patent/Trademark/Utility Model/Industrial Design/Industrial Drawing
Contact Person: Mohammad Idris
Language: English,Urdu,Bengali,Hindi,Arabic

Firm Profile

Emirates Advocates, one of the largest law firms in the United Arab Emirates, has grown steadily over the years to reach its present status as one of the nations leading private law firms. Emirates Advocates offers highly professional and personally tailored services to its clients, and with a staff of more than one hundred and twenty Attorneys and Legal consultants, we ensure that each matter is attended to as quickly and decisively as possible. Our IP Practice covers throughout the Arabian Peninsula,Africa and South Asia with conversant legal professionals.

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