

Country: Italy
City: Brescia
Tel: +3903041586
Fax: +390302991561
Email: m.pes@biessebrevetti.it
Address: info@biessebrevetti.it
Website: www.biessebrevetti.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Anti-Unfair Competition,Others
Key Areas: Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Matteo Pes
Personal Email: m.pes@biessebrevetti.it
Language: English,German,Italian

Firm Profile

Biesse is an intellectual property firm located in Italy and providing services throught Europe regarding patents, trademarks, designs, litigation and IP matters in general. We draft, file and prosecute patent applications wordlwide, as well as we regsiter trademarks and designs. We also perform prior art searches and due diligences. Our clients are Italian companies and foreign IP firms, especially German, British and French. We cover several technical fields: mechanics, optics, electronics, chemistry.

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