

Country: Latvia
City: Riga
Tel: +371 67320300
Fax: +371 67325600
Email: info@triarobit.com
Address: Vilandes street 5-2, LV-1010, Riga, Latvia
Website: www.triarobit.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name
Language: English,Latvian

Firm Profile

Agency TRIA ROBIT is one of the leading intellectual property law firms in the region. The firm offers to their clients a full range of intellectual property services covering patents, trademarks, designs, copyright and domain names in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Russia and the European Union. The firm also provides advice and assistance on IP protection, management and enforcement worldwide. They offer superior services tailored to specific requirements and budgets of their clients. The firm acts for many IP agencies and law firms based overseas, to assist in the protection of their clients' intellectual property rights in the area.

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