
A&B for IP

Country: United Arab Emirates
City: Dubai
Tel: +20237114325
Fax: +20237114325
Email: mail@abiplaw.com
Address: Dubai, UAE
Website: www.abiplaw.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Trademarks, Patents, Designs
Contact Person: B. Adam
Personal Email: mail@abiplaw.com
Language: English,Arabic

Firm Profile

For years we have been a leader among regional firms in the strength and depth of our commitment to understand and serve our clients. The experience, knowledge, and resources of our Firm give us all we need to offer first rate IP services. A & B for Intellectual Property Protection is distinguished not only by the scope of its services, but also by its unmatched experience in the regional arena. Our work is impressive, touching on every area of the fast changing intellectual property field. We assist small, medium and large organizations and individuals to establish, protect and enforce their intellectual property rights in Egypt & Middle East. Starting from Jan. 2014 We have become part of AVID network; a group of law firms which focuses on helping its international and regional clients in strategizing and protecting their intellectual property throughout the Middle East, North Africa region (MENA) & internationally Currently (Algeria, Egypt, India, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, UAE) With strong experience in Intellectual property and legal services, Our network has the ability to provide you with world-class service for all your IP requirements, from filing & registration, maintenance, market watch and enforcement, due diligence, licensing & assignment agreements, we works in partnership with its clients to satisfy their demands in the protection of their IP rights. Our focus is helping clients maximize the return on their IP portfolio while minimizing their business risks. By combining our internal processes with technology, we ensure that we deliver the best services to our clients. We have adopted a state of the art IP management software to help handle all stages of IP protection, oppositions and legal action. The benefits of this software to our clients include; improved management of IP portfolio 24 hour/7days online portfolio access, Eliminates long response times, no dropped or missed deadlines for publications, renewals and other submissions.

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