
Legal Group Intellectual Property

Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Tel: +7 (499) 267-79-81
Fax: +7 (499) 267-79-81
Email: info@pgis.su
Address: 105066, Moscow, Tokmakov per., 16 corp. 2
Website: en.pgis.su/
Practice Area: Trademark,Copyright,Others
Key Areas: Intellectual Property, brand protection, intellectual law
Contact Person: Maria Abramova
Personal Email: a.maria@pgis.su
Language: English,Russian

Firm Profile

We have dealt with intellectual property protection issues for more than 17 years. During this period, we have learned to solve disputes to any degree of complexity in various fields of intellectual law. Our team defends the interests of not only major market participants, such as licensing agencies and industrial holdings, but also small start-ups and authors. We know exactly how to verify the existing treaty basis in the fields of intellectual property turnover, issue documents properly, reduce the counterfeit goods supply tenfold and prove in court that the law is on your side. Our clients are Russian and global market leaders. For example: (category “Goods for kids”): ANIMACCORD LTD (Brand: Masha and the Bear); Melnitsa Animation Studio (Brands: Barboskiny, Moonzy, The Three Bogatyrs); NolPlusMedia ( 0+) (Brands: Mimimishki, Fairy Patrol, Leo and Tig); CTC TV-channel (Brands: Kid-a-Cats, Tsarevny); ROI VISUAL (RoboCar Poli);

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