
Patent and Trademark Attorneys Office LION & LION

Country: Poland
City: Gdansk
Tel: +48 663 802 804
Fax: +48 58 333 4924
Email: office@LIONandLION.eu
Address: ul. Karlowicza 24/1, 80-275 Gdansk, POLAND
Website: en.LIONandLION.eu
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark
Key Areas: registerin European Trademarks, entering polish national phase for PCT patent applications, validations of European Patents i
Contact Person: Dariusz Mielcarski (Mr)
Personal Email: dariusz.mielcarski@LIONandLION.eu
Language: English,Polish,German

Firm Profile

LION & LION can be your patent agency to take care about all of your IP in Poland and Europe. In particular we provide the following services: 1. Patents, designs and trademarks in Poland: preparation, filing and prosecution of application for patents, utility models, trademarks and designs before the Polish Patent Office; 2. Community Designs and European Trademarks: preparation, filing and prosecution of application for European Union Trademarks and Community Designs before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (former OHIM); 3. Preparation of European Patent Applications to be filed in European Patent Office (EPO); 4. Responses to refusal of protection of trademarks (IR) before the Polish Patent Office; 5. Validation of European patent (EP) - EU patents validations in Poland; 6. Annuities and renewal fees in Poland - servicing before the Polish Patent Office, as well as in Europe - servicing before the EUIPO; 7. Searches of novelty of patents; 8. Licensing and transfer of technology; 9. Patent infringement litigation; 10. Contentious proceedings before the Polish Patent Office: oppositions, renewal, invalidations, non-use, and cancellations.

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