
Koubriakov, Tseliatsitskaya & Partners, Ltd.

Country: Belarus
City: Minsk
Tel: + 375 (17) 226 99 34
Fax: + 375 (17) 226 99 34
Email: info@patentoffice.by
Address: Republic of Belarus, Minsk 220004, avenue Pobediteley, 17, of. 822
Website: www.patentoffice.by
Practice Area: Patent,Copyright,Others
Key Areas: Patent
Language: English,Russian

Firm Profile

Koubriakov, Tseliatsitskaya & Partners, Ltd. specialises in the field of patent and legal services and is one of few patent firms which are made up of both patent attorneys and certified lawyers. The specialists provide counsel on Intellectual Property matters including the protection and implementation of the rights for industrial property objects, preparation and filing of applications, patenting abroad, preparation of documents for the development and transfer of rights for employee's works and copyright objects, as well as services on challenging titles of protection in relation to industrial property objects.

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