
Latin Trademark S.A.C.

Country: Peru
City: Lima
Tel: 511 6953246
Email: legal.latintrademark@outlook.com
Address: Calle Cesar Moro 281 (H3-35) Urb. Prolongación Benavides - Surco - Lima - Peru
Website: global-patents.net
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Antitrust
Key Areas: Peru, Trademark & patents
Contact Person: Andre Vizurraga
Personal Email: manager.latintrademark@outlook.com
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese,Korean

Firm Profile

We are a firm specialized in Intellectual Property. Our experience allows us to provide a relevant and timely service, which guarantees you the protection of your invention and/or the distinctive elements that identify your company. Our global services allow our customers an integral management of their brands in the Latin American market, avoiding the uncertainties that occur when treatments of trademarks is done in a disjointed manner in every country where they want to work. For these reasons, we are able to offer competitive rates not only in Peru but also in other Latin American countries.

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