

Country: Italy
City: Milano,Udine,Bologna,Perugia,Zürich,Republic of San Marino
Tel: (+39) 0432 506388
Fax: (+39) 0432 507735
Email: glp@glp.eu
Address: Via Luciano Manara 13 - 20122 Milano - ITALY
Viale Europa Unita 171 - 33100 Udine - ITALY
Website: www.glp.eu
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Domain name, Anti-Unfair Competition
Language: Chinese,English,French,German,Italian

Firm Profile

GLP is an European intellectual property firm,established in 1967, that provides a complete range of services for a structured protection of intellectual property rights and is specialized both in protecting inventive ideas, developing and prosecuting IP rights at a European, Italian and international level, and also in assisting European and international clients worldwide, by determining, managing and enforcing their IP assets.

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