Cuba IP Overview

Cuba joined WIPO in 1975 and is a member of a series of international treaties on intellectual property, for example, Paris Convention (1904), Lisbon Agreement (1966), Madrid Agreement (1989), Berne Convention (1997), and Vienna Agreement (1997). Cuba is also a member and signatory to TRIPs Agreement (1995).

Recommended IP Firms

  • ALDECOA & Elias SRL

     Add: Av. Contreras 516, Despachos 103 y 104, Col. San Jerónimo Lídice, Del. La Magdalena Contreras, 10200, México, D.F, México

    Tel: (52 55) 53353871
    Fax: (52 55) 54242856
    Languages Spoken: Spanish, English, Italian, French
    Contact Person: Rogelio Valdés Pila
    Areas of Specialization: Patents, PCT Patent Aplications, PCT Nat. Phases, Utility
    Models, Trademarks, Designs, Searches, Renewals, Copyright, Patent Translations,
    Pharmaceuticals, Other Intellectual Property Related Matters.

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